Car rental at Cagliari-Elmas Airport

Rent your car, we guarantee you the best prices.

Whether you go on holiday, take a short trip or travel for work, you will be free and relaxed. Thanks to our car rental service we guarantee maximum comfort, offering you the possibility to anticipate or extend office hours according to your needs.

Our company is compodes by a professional staff: all operators are, in fact, highly qualified, with great experience in the sector. Every day we strive to make our customers happy by providing them with high quality services at competitive prices. Customer satisfaction is a very important aspect for us.

We have a large fleet of cars, from small and medium-sized cars to higher category cars. All the cars are constantly subjected to periodic maintenance checks and renewed in order to guarantee high quality standards. It is always possible to go to the office where an operator will be able to provide all the necessary information.

Epicentro offers car rental solutions without credit card, payment can also be made by cash.

The vehicle release service can take place, if requested, in the place and time requested by the customer.

noleggio auto

Enjoy our car rental service at Cagliari-Elmas Airport!

Thanks to Epicentro you will be able to pick up and drop off the vehicle at the Cagliari Airport.

We will pick up and drop off your vehicle at the airport whenever you need. This service can be requested during booking.


You can book your car online, allowing you to rent our best cars with first-class service.


070 3326718



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